Category Archives: Essay of the Week

Friday Reminder–September 14, 2012

Regarding the Fountain

Regarding the Fountain

I wanted to give everyone a gentle reminder that our Fountain projects are due on Thursday, September 27th. While that’s still 13 days away, it’s time that you really made sure that your child is working on all three components.

  1. Is their poster finished? The students were given 4 hours of class time to work on gathering information, and putting this piece together. We gave the children a timeline, and let them know that while we won’t check this in, they should be done with this part of their project first (and that was over a month ago!).
  2. Is their writing piece finished? We assigned their essays two weeks ago as one of their “Essays of the Week!” We gave them a rare ‘two-week’ window to complete the essay. While we won’t grade this essay until their complete project was due, Mrs. Penland and I both will be checking them over this weekend, and giving them back. Are they finished?
  3. Have they been working on their fountain model? Remember…the students should be creating a model of their fountains. No, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A WORKING FOUNTAIN! No, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE FIFTY FEET HIGH, AND CREATED BY DAD, WHO IS AN ENGINEER AT NASA! It very simply has to be a representation of three items from their state. Ideally, they are the same three items in their essay. While I’m not expecting something that is worthy of entrance into the Louvre, our class motto is “Be Nice, WORK HARD!” While Mrs. Penland and I don’t expect the kids to turn into working robots, we DO expect them to have utilized their six-plus weeks that they’ve had to work on their projects. If they haven’t started on their project yet, the only question I have is…WHY?!?

Team Pride also chose to take the week of of our Essay of the Week so that the students could focus extra time on their projects. THERE WILL BE AN ESSAY NEXT WEEK, but with Case 21 and the Fountain Projects the next week, we will definitely alter the look of it so that it’s manageable!

Have a great weekend!