Daily Expectations

 “The Expectations”

I want to preface this with and understanding that these rules are discussed and lived, but not harped on. I have things in place that we do, but it really all comes down to the six levels. My rules are guidelines for the classroom. We also utilize SOAR, our school-wide behavior policy. So, these are the guidelines of my classroom. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

1. AM Procedures Enter building with a positive attitude, get water, & go to the bathroom. You must do this before you show up to the classroom! Drop off your backpack and get your lunch-card, for those that need to get breakfast. Unpack your book bag in your cubby, and bring needed items for the day to your seats . Once you are in the room…you are in! Follow AM work on white board, TV or smart board in sequential order. If you finish your work, read quietly at your seat until Mr. Pete starts the day! Changes come, and are welcome, but try and abide by these rules. LEVEL 6 KIDDOS!!!
2. Book bags/ Cubbies NO BOOKBAGS, lunch boxes, purses, etc. should ever be at your seats. All these items stored in cubbies, must be completely inside cubbies. Clear water bottles are allowed in the classroom (only clear liquid will be allowed). Your classroom area is a place of work…not a place to play. If you want to get anywhere in life boys and girls, YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD! MAKE YOUR WORK SPACE A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN DO THAT!
3. Forms/Supplies Bring all homework, forms and daily supplies into your classroom each morning. Homework will be turned into either the rainbow folder, the black bin, hung up at your cubbies, or kept at your desks. Follow the Morning Work list on the white board, TV or smart board to find out where to put it!
4. Specials, substitutes, and guests All fifth grade students in Mr. Pete’s class will treat other teachers, specialists, substitutes and guests to the classroom with the utmost respect. All rules apply to all teachers! I shouldn’t have to tell you this…so I’m wasting my breath, right! LEVEL SIX…LEVEL SIX…LET’S DO IT!
5. Transitions Through the Hallways When traveling in the hallway, highway rules apply, and of course this follows our HARES PBiS rules. You MUST be on the right side and facing forwards at all times. There should be no jumping, touching, running or tagging door frames. Keep your hands to yourself, remain orderly and quiet, and go directly to your destination. There is no talking! You are role models in the hallway, so act like it! REMEMBER OUR SIX LEVELS. We do this because it’s the right thing to do!
6. The Classroom Students are responsible for all materials in their desks and their cubbies at all times. The Team Inspector will conduct their job after each transition. When we transition to Mrs. Penland’s room, we are not to touch anything that’s not ours. DID I MENTION THE SIXTH LEVEL YET?
7. Computers/IPads Students should not touch the computers in the classroom without permission from a fifth grade teacher. Students must log in using their own user name, and log off after use. If you are not logged off the computer, it’s a $10 fine. Noone will be made at you, but we need to keep others in mind! The energy/technology expert will be in charge of turning the computers on/off each day, unless permission is given to someone else. No food or drink should ever be near the computers, or the smart board cart. Please treat the computers with care! IPADS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS.
8. Bathroom Procedures Bathroom breaks will be provided. Students will not use the bathroom at other times during the day without permission from Mr. Pete or another teacher. During scheduled bathroom breaks, we will start off as a team, and if earned, work towards pairs. If you need to use the bathroom at a time that’s not a transition, Mr. Pete will not force you to stay in the room. You will be charged a transition fee though, of $20. That price is subject to change, based on how many times you need to use outside of learning time. Remember, we always WORK HARD, and if we aren’t in the room, we can’t work hard!
9. Independent Reading Most independent reading will require a reader’s response called a CROP-QV. Engaged reading is expected, and there is to be no journaling during independent reading time. Immediately after reading, students will be given time to work on their written response. All written responses are to be written in the CROP notebook. These are due at teacher’s discretion. DON’T EVER ROB YOURSELF OF GOOD READING TIME!
10. Writing All students will write in complete sentences unless otherwise instructed! You will use your best penmanship, use good punctuation, and always add good details! Writing time is quiet time, unless you are conferencing with a student or teacher! Sharing and conferencing is a good thing. Expect the best, and give your best!
11. Math Students must always check their work by working out the problems twice. If you are solving a word problem, you will need to underline key terms, draw it out, write out the equation and solve in words.
12. Boards, Overheads, etc. Boards, overheads, phones, track-out carts, teacher’s desks and teacher’s bookshelves are OFF LIMITS, unless permission is given.  Pencil-sharpening will only take place prior to 9:30  in the morning. Sharpen enough for the day. No exceptions will be made. There WILL be a community pencil tray, and a person responsible for sharpening those pencils! If you break your last pencil, find one from a friend or the community pencils. IF YOU ASK MR. PETE AFTER 9:30, IT’S OKAY! BUT THERE WILL BE A $5 FINE FOR NOT BEING PREPARED!
13. Make Up Work If students miss a day of school, they are responsible for all make-up work. First, review the Table of Contents on the bulletin board, and copy the missed assignments and dates onto your personal Table of Contents. Then, retrieve missed papers from the pendelex file, located by the door by the rainbow folders. All make-up work will be due the following Thursday morning upon entry into the classroom, unless Mr. Pete or Mrs. Penland works out another arrangement!
14. PM Procedure Throughout the end of the day, students write down homework in their agenda exactly as it appears in Mr. Pete’s agenda. Once floor area is clean, chair is stacked and student is silent, the teacher will call the student forward to sign the agenda, or come to the student. If a student does not have a teacher signature by the time they leave, then the student has left the classroom without teacher permission. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, and a fine will be assessed! You must remain in the classroom until your bus is called.