New Jobs


Job Title Description Pay



A banker keeps records for one-third of the students in the class. This student must be a sensational math student (at least a level 3) and a person of the highest integrity. The bank teller takes deposits and money from the bank customers and coordinates accounts with the other bankers. There are usually three bank tellers in my class. $650

Ground Crew


The Ground Crew is THE ESSENTIAL JOB in TEAM PRIDE! YOU MUST BE GOOD AT YOUR JOB! You will be paid well, and you will have many bonus opportunities. There are six positions to be filled, and you will be held responsible for your job. The six that hold this job will all be responsible to wipe down desks, tables and chairs one day a week, and will be in charge of cleaning the lunch room. With guitar, you must make sure there are four that go to help clean the lunch room every day. There are the six positions: 

  • Cubby Controller-This person is in charge of cleaning the cubby portion of the classroom, from the doors to the sink. You will make sure backpacks, coats, lunchbags, papers and anything else is kept tidy. You’ll monitor the sink area, the door area, and everything in between.


  • Computer Controller—This person is in charge of cleaning the computer side of the classroom, from Mr. Pete’s bean table, to the library. You’ll be responsible to keep pencils, papers, books, wrappers and everything else off the floors and the computer tables. You’ll also be an acting librarian, keeping books off the floor and in the library bins.


  • Smart Board Situator—This person is in charge of the smart board side of the classroom, where the common area is. You’ll be in charge of cleaning everything from the T.V. to the library. All clutter will be picked up, and you’ll be in charge of ordering the acoustic guitars, and will also be an acting librarian.


  • White Board Wiper—This person is in charge of the White Board side of the classroom. You will clean the clutter off the floor from the T.V. to the HW desk. You’ll also be responsible for wiping off the white board.


  • Desk Dominators (2)—These two people will be in charge of the center of the floor. You will make sure that the overall clutter is picked up off the floor in the middle of the classroom surrounding the desks. You’ll remind folks that all book bins need picked up and put on chairs at the end of the day



The Clerk will have a two part job: Part one of the Clerk job is to pass out materials to the classroom for your teacher. Part two of the Clerk job is to file materials and stuff folders for Monday folders. THIS JOB IS IMPERATIVE, AND YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. The filing bin must be checked daily, and don’t be afraid to ask your teacher if there’s anything to file! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY TO DO THIS! Bonus for early completion. $550

Safety Patrol


This person will work in the hallways and in the gymnasium, ensuring students are doing what they are supposed, and are where they need to be! $650*

Teacher’s Assistants


The three teacher’s assistants will be in charge of checking in one half of the class for homework assignments and attendance. You will be assigned half the class for the year. These students will also act as classroom messengers, delivering important messages and items to other classrooms. There may be items for you to grade as well, but at the teacher’s discretion. $600



The substitute job is to substitute for anyone who is absent.  They will need to know how to do everyone’s job; therefore, they need to be a well-rounded and patient student. $550

Equipment Managers


Team Pride is now recruiting a person with management skills for classroom equipment in and outside the classroom. Students will be responsible for PE and team equipment on a daily basis for recess, as well as all supplies on the supply shelf inside the classroom. These students will also sharpen pencils for the class before and after school. There will be two equipment managers per class.  Preference will be given to students who arrive at school around 8:45 am, and/or stay until 4:00 PM. $550

Classroom Directors


This position is responsible for leading the classroom in the hallways and making sure the class is orderly in the classroom. These students will also be the line leader and the door holder for the classroom, as well as the end of the line. Your job isn’t to be a boss, or yell or holler at any student. Your job is to remind students of the rules once. If the students don’t listen, then you inform the teacher via a fine sheet. $600

Computer-A/V Tech


The computer tech turns on the computers and checks the IPads at the beginning of the day. At the end of the day, the computer tech. is in charge of shutting down the computers and the IPads in the room and in the IPad charger. This person must be technologically savvy, and extremely responsible. $600

Emergency/First-Aid Coordinator (1)

The emergency coordinator carries the emergency kit during monthly/bi-monthly fire or emergency drills. This student will also keep the first aid station stocked and ready for use, as well as replenish sanitizer and tissues in the stations around the classroom. $550

Attendance Officer


This student will be in charge of marking daily attendance in the morning, and keeping track of Golden Hawks for the class, and eggs for each student! $550

Insurance Adjuster


These students will be responsible for helping after disasters occur, such as spills or tornadoes that go through people’s desks.  There will be two insurance officers. $550

Homework Monitor


The homework helpers will make sure everyone has written down and has their homework before they leave for the day.  There may be up to two homework helpers in my room. $550

Rent Collector


These students will be responsible to collect rent once a month from each student in the classroom. They must keep a record of the money collected, and when each student has paid. They must give a receipt to show that the rent has been paid. These students are responsible to notify any student who has not paid rent by the 15th of each month. They will also charge a late fee for late payments. Students who apply for this job must be trustworthy and good at math. These students will also pass out paychecks, and help fill them out after learning the skill. $550

 Potential Extra Jobs—Do NOT sign up for this as a regular job on the first day!!!

  1. PBiS Team
  2. Accountant
  3. Take-home Announcements Monitor – ensures that announcements get sent home
  4. Attendance Officer – takes daily attendance
  5. Police Officer
  6. Bank Teller
  7. Auctioneer
  8. Real Estate Title Recorder
  9. Mail Carrier – delivers “mail” to students in class and to other classrooms
  10. Librarian – keeps books shelved and orderly
  11. Horticulture Specialist – takes care of classroom plants
  12. Tax Collector
  13. Restroom Monitor
  14. Job Monitor – keeps track of who has completed jobs
  15. Homework Monitor – keeps track of assignments of absent students
  16. Courtesy Director – greets visitors
  17. News Director – reports on current events
  18. Meteorologist – gives daily reports and predictions, keeps running chart of weather data
  19. English (ESL) Tutor
  20. Pencil Sharpener Attendant – empties pencil sharpener daily
  21. “Specials” Attendant – writes on the board each day’s special classes
  22. Payroll Clerk – helps distribute pay
  23. Bill Collector – helps collect bills
  24. Social Director – plans and organizes class celebrations
  25. Book Critic – reads and reports on books each month
  26. Conservationist – monitors recycling bin
  27. Dietician – reads daily lunch menu, collects lunch money, assists with snacks
  28. Travel Agent – helps organize field trips, runs “Will Return” board, conducts school tours
  29. Game Keeper – takes care of game closet
  30. Classroom Historian—Classroom photographer, takes pictures daily
  31. I.D. Classroom—helps with our ID Classroom
  32. Center Secretary—Works with our daily centers
  33. Website Historian—posts reports on our website weekly, or daily
  34. Pledge Leader—leads pledge after morning announcements
  35. Operator—Answers the phone when teacher can’t
  36. Calendar Keeper—updates important calendar dates on white board for our agenda